The Decatur Police Department needs your help in solving this week’s crime of the week.

On March 13th at approximately 11:00pm, an armed robbery occurred at the drive up ATM located at 151 N. 22nd St. The victim reported, he was sitting in his vehicle, at the ATM, when he was approached by three black males. The victim reported at least one of the suspects opened his passenger door and pointed a black colored revolver at him demanding the money. The victim advised the suspects forced him to withdraw more money from the ATM and also took money from his wallet. The suspects fled the scene in a southwest direction. The victim described the suspects as black males, all three in their early 20’s weighing 140-160, medium height, wearing all dark clothing.

The Decatur Police Department needs your help in solving this crime. If you have any information about this crime, please call crime stoppers at 423-TIPS. You do not have to give your name. Crime stoppers will pay $500 or more for information that leads to an arrest on the crime of the week. Crime stoppers will also pay cash for information that leads to an arrest of any person responsible for a felony crime in Macon County.